We Weep in the Darkness

We weep in the darkness
Believing in our aloneness
We feel the pull
The call
To the dark
Not knowing
The light is just underneath
Beaconing to us
Waiting to embrace us
To brush away our tears
To let us know
We aren’t alone
Asking us
To open our eyes
And see
See the beauty that lies in our heart
Even if it seems so broken
So unfixable
There is beauty still
There is love
There is joy
No matter how torn
No matter how shattered it may seem
The light
The love
Are always there

Copyright Don MacLeod

In the Mirror

In the mirror I see a man
I ask who is this man
But I know
I know this man very well
But I don’t
He is new to me
As he is every day
He changes
He never is the same
New thoughts change him
Old thoughts leave him
And change him
His heart is broken one day
And full the next
Or broken one hour
And full the next
There is always joy
A freedom I don’t see very often
I like this person
And I feel for him as well
Love has not escaped him
It’s there in his face
Laughter has also been a good friend
It too sits there
I never know who I will see
When I look in the mirror

copyright Don MacLeod

No one must know

No one must know

So much pain

Tell no one

It’s a secret that must be kept

You don’t know why exactly

But you must remain silent

No one can know you can barely sit up some days

The pain saps every bit of extra energy

No one can know


No one can know

It’s a secret

Fake it


Do not tell the truth

Lie to yourself

It will get better

It will go away

You will find the magic thing

That makes you better

You hope

You pray

It doesn’t go away

It eats at you

It takes your life

It takes your friends

It takes the things you love to do

All go away

But you can’t tell

You must not tell

Copyright Don MacLeod